Friday, September 29, 2006


Well, that's my Wallachian force finished. The bases have been textured and Vlad's Dragon Banner completed and attached - I'm just waiting for the film from my SLR to be processed then I'll post some photographs. Once I'd completed the army I sprayed each element with Games Workshop's Purity Seal Satin Varnish. I was also lucky enough to find a UK stockist of Testor's Dullcote; This has given the army a great looking matt finish.
I'm going to field the Wallachians this coming Monday and I'm hoping to persuade Ian or Rupert to let me pit them against their arch enemies; The Ottoman Turks. I'll include a battle report, and brief analysis on how well (hopefully) they perform.
I've really enjoyed doing this Blog, and found that it has helped me maintain momentum with the project - I tend to start out with the best of intentions but find that other things have a tendency to get in the way...!! With this in mind I've decided to keep the Blog going, charting the progress of my next DBA project - all comments welcome...!
Anyway, whilst I was waiting for the varnish on the Wallachians to dry I made a start on my next project; Serbian Empire (IV/22). This army is quite different from the Wallachians, containing a lot of options - 20 elements in all! I initially chose this army because they're yet another historical opponent & potential BBDBA ally for my Ottoman Turks. The options within this army allow it to be tailored, to a degree, depending on the opposition they're facing, making it a highly flexible force. I decided to start by painting the elements I'm most likely to use regularly; 4x 3Kn, 2x 2Lh, 4x 3Bw (the ideal troops to go toe to toe with the armies I usually play against), 1x 3Ax, and 1x 2Ps. I'll then paint up the remaining 2x 3Kn, 4x 2Ps, 1x 4Sp, and 1x 7Hd at my leisure. The figures were virtually flash free and I managed to have the whole lot cleaned up, mounted on painting nails and undercoated within about 1/2 an hour. After spraying the Wallachians with Dullcote I went back to the Serbians and managed to paint up the 1st 4 elements of Knights this afternoon. My main source of information about this army was, once again, WRG's invaluable Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2.
Well, I have the remainder of this evening free and hope to get some painting done, so bye for now.

Bob Mcleish


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