Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday 25/08/2006

Today I unpacked the figures, giving the castings a quick check for any broken spears/bows etc. A couple of the castings come with separate bows which need to be clipped from the body of the figure and glued into its hand, unfortunately one of the bows is broken, but it's not going to be a major problem - WRG's excellent reference book: Armies of the Middle Ages, Vol 2 describes the Wallachian Light horse as being armed mainly with a light lance as well as a composite bow and a hand weapon, so I think I'll glue a wire lance into the broken casting's hand. This really simple conversion will hopefully add a bit more variety to my army, and better reflect how these troops were armed.
At this stage I can also assess how much work needs to be done cleaning off "flash" and filing down any mould lines on the castings before I can start painting. These castings look quite clean and I think about 1/2 an hour or so should see them ready to be primed for painting.
The figures themselves look great, and seem to accurately portray what I've read about the Wallachian troops. there is a nice mix of light horse figures that should give my elements of Lesser Boyars and Viteji a really varied appearance, in keeping with their irregualr status.
At this stage I begin to think about colour schemes, and how they'll look on each of the castings, although I'll do a bit more bed-time reading before making any final decisions. In addition to the excellent WRG & Osprey titles covering armies of this period I've found the Eye Candy section on the Fanaticus website an invaluable source of information on clour schemes, as well as being quite inspirational! It's also worth mentioning that the Fanaticus site has an excellent forum where other members are more than happy to answer questions and share their knowledge about everything DBA (and a lot more too), including uniform colour schemes.
Well, I'm off to get these figures cleaned up, and hopefully ready to prime for painting. I'll have some photographs to post tomorrow.

'til then


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Bob Mcleish said...

hmmm, I hadn't really given it too much thought up until now...
Thinking about it I'm pretty sure I have some spare Ottoman Turk figures floating around - a few turbaned heads on stakes might add a bit of flavour.
I'm open to suggestions though and will try to accomodate any really good ideas...

At 5:19 AM, Blogger John Meunier said...

Don't let Chris rush you into anything, Bob.

First he demands a weblog. Now he's calling for camps. Before you know it you'll be jetting over to his house to clean the gutters.

Resist the imperator!


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