Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I purchased a Wallachian DBA army pack from Essex Miniatures about 6 months ago and have decided to use this for my project.
Essex were one of the first 15mm manufacturers I discovered, and generally I've been happy with their ranges and the quality of their castings. I've tried other manufacturers in the past, with mixed results - when I'm gaming I like all my figures to be roughly the same height - there's something aesthetically "not right" about figures of vastly differing heights and proportions lining up alongside, or opposite each other. I find this particularly noticeable with the smaller playing area used for DBA. That said, I do retain an affection for Tin Solider's Hoplite range, which was the very first DBA army I ever bought and painted

So why Wallachians?

Well, they provide historical opposition for the armies owned by Rupert & Ian, the guys I regularly game with at our club, The Kirklees Crusaders. Ian fields a Later Polish army whilst Rupert commands Lithuanians and a Golden Horde. In the same period I have Ottoman Turks whom the Wallachians can fight against, or ally with in a game of Big Battle DBA (BBDBA).

A few elements of Wallachians are needed by our group for a BBDBA re-fight of Nicopolis which we're hoping to stage at Recon in Pudsey, Leeds in November.

This army has an interesting background, as well as an infamous General. I've been reading a bit about this army and couldn't really pass up the chance to field an army lead by Vlad Tepes - Dracula.

In DBA terms, I'm interested in pitting this army against my Ottoman Turks. The Wallachian's low aggression means they should select the terrain more often than not, hopefully giving the Curteni & Rustici plenty of opportunities to stage their own "Night of Terror" ambushing the invading Ottomans.

Lastly, because it consists of mainly light troops and has no optional elements I should be able to complete this army in a relatively short space of time.


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually guerilla warfare is not all the tactics the wallachians used; was used very often but it was best defence against such overwhelming forces that turks could assemble against a relatively little people like the wallachians.if you check turkish,greek,venetian,genoese and other chronicles you`ll find that in the countless military angages the wallachians had all tactics were used.for your "tepes" army know that a venetian accounter tells about vlad being the first using archebusiers "to deadly effect" when he dismantled the ambush set by the turks whith another ambush


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