Monday, September 04, 2006

hi again...

Here's another image of what I've completed so far - this time including the 2 elements of bow armed psiloi . Again, the picture quality isn't too good but I'll keep trying to improve that side of things..

Tonight Rupert, Ian and I, (collectively: The "Kirklees Crusaders") enjoyed an excellent game of DBM - Rupert's Golden Horde, with Ian controlling a command on his right flank, set out to envelop my flanks with their seemingly endless, and hugely efficient, swarm of superior Light Horse. The opening skirmishes between the Akinji Light Horse of my Ottoman force and Rupert's Tartar Light Cavalry didn't bode well, with my Akinji's dying cheaply! Desperate circumstances forced me into sending the 3 elements of Azab archer psiloi who happened to be closest on to a small hill on my right flank in an attempt to stem the flow and, at most, delay the seemingly inevitable encirclement facing me.

I could try to pass off the subsequent reversal as a result of some inspired, insightful tactical acumen on my part, but that would be well, untrue - my psiloi, with the advantage of higher ground, (not to mention my rolling a series of fortuitous 5's & 6's) managed not only to recoil Rupe's Light horse, but to destroy enough of them to halt his advance. The next few bounds saw me reinforce the hill before eventually demoralising one of Rupert's commands. Focus then shifted back to my left flank where Ian's comand had failed to overcome the Janissaries & Sipahis under my CinC's control. Although I'd stabilised one flank, the outcome of the battle still hung in the balance - it seemed quite fitting that it was resolved by a decisive, climactic clash between the Tartar Heavy cavalry and my Lance armed Sipahis who were supported by their more lightly armed comrades.

None of us have really played much DBM, so there was a lot of referring to the rulebook - at one point some confusion over grading factors ensued until we realised that I was playing with version 2.0, whilst Ian & Rupe were using 3.0..!! Nonetheless it was good fun - We felt that the extra rules did add considerably to the flavour of the period without making it much more complex than DBA.

I'm now looking at also using the Wallachian DBA army as the core of an allied DBM contingent for my Ottomans.

Well, bye for now



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