Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This is the Wallachian army cleaned up, glued onto nails, and ready to be primed.

This is the horse archer figure who's bow was broken - as you can see I've glued a length of steel wire into his hand and now intend to use him as the army's standard bearer.


At 5:34 AM, Blogger Bob Mcleish said...


I hold the nail in my other hand and work that way. I can then just stick the nails into a block of polystyrene whilst I'm waiting for the paint to dry. I've never encountered any problems getting the figures off the nails - I just use a tiny blob of superglue to stick them there and they usually just "pop off" with minimum effort

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also use nails when painting 15mm figures. However, rather than using super glue I use PVA, variously known as Elmer's white glue, carpenters glue, craft glue or aquadhere. I find it is much easier to remove the figures from the nail when using PVA.


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