Monday, September 04, 2006


First off - apologies for the poor quality of the images. I got a new digital camera recently and am still getting to grips with it... I might have to resort to my old SLR and scan the images in for future posts. Hopefully these are clear enough to give you all an idea of how the army's looking.
Anyway, I've finally started painting and have managed to paint up 2 elements of bow and 2 elements of Psiloi today. I've opted for a fairly limited palette, sticking with 3 colours for the Curteni; green, red & brown. I used Vallejo's Cadmium Maroon as a base coat for the red - it covers the black primer well, and creates nice areas of dark red shading in the folds of tunics, breeches etc. The green base colour is Vallejo's Gunship Green - I like this because it's a very earthy, muted colour, unlike Citadels range of greens which I personally find a bit too garish. The brown base colour is Vallejo's US Field Drab - I chose this because it's a nice, natural looking brown which covers well and highlights quite nicely.. I worked through the figures in a batch of 10, starting with the green, painting every other figure with a green tunic, and a few with green breeches, hats etc. I then did the same with the brown and then, a bit more sparingly, with the maroon. Once the base colours were dry I went back and covered everything with a wash of well diluted Citadel brown ink. It creates quick, easy shading as well as highlighting the detail on the figures, making it a lot easier for me to see where I'm gonna put my highlights. Once this was dry I highlighted over the red basecoat with Vallejo's Carmine Red - this is nice, bright red which won't cover black primer well, but looks excellent over the Cadmium Maroon. The highlight colours for the brown and green were just the base colours with a bit of Vallejo Beige mixed in. I painted the bows and flesh areas with Vallejo's Beige Brown, before going back and painting the faces and hands with vallejo's Flat Flesh. Bow cases were painted Leather Brown and boots received a quick dry-brush with a dark grey. The fur around the caps and sheepskin jerkins were dry-brushed with Citadel's Space Wolf Grey. A thin wash of Brown ink over the sheepskin jerkins finished the figures off. I was quite happy with the finished result and particularly pleased that I completed 1/3 of the army in one sitting..!
Once grumble - After closer inspection and a bit more reading I think that the 3 remaining Psiloi elements (javelin armed) have less of a Wallachian "feel" (for my tastes0 than the other figures.. I'll paint them up for the time being, but I think eventually I'll replace them with some more bow armed Curteni figures.
Well, Rupert & Ian are coming over for a game of DBM tonight so I guess I'd better go set the table up..

bye for now..


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